Career Coaching

In class today we had a guest speaker come in and share with the class his life experiences and how it got him to where he is today. One thing that was really interesting for me was how open he was about his experiences, there was nothing he was uncomfortable with sharing. He shared how in his early adulthood, a lot of his choices were influenced by his parents, which brought him into a life that he didn’t necessarily want. A top businessman, a wife, but he wasn’t really in a place where he was happy. Then, a life altering moment changed the course of his whole life.

After he was injured, he took time to reflect on his life and what he truly wanted. I think this is very important for everyone to do in their life. I feel like I am in a place right now where I need to reflect on what I want, whether in my life or in my career. I am in a place where I am job searching, but not getting the opportunities that I want. In the end, I am not fully sure what it is that I truly want.

In class we have talked about our values and I think it is important that whatever I do in my career lines up closely with my personal values. One of my top values is happiness and as long as I can fulfill that with whatever I purse next in life, I will be content.

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