Getting The Job

In class we had a guest speaker come in and talk about the consulting company he started called Macaya Consulting. In his company, one of the things he works on is recruiting candidates for outside companies. I found this information really relevant as I am currently in the interview process and trying to find a job of my own. Being able to ask the speaker questions about interviewing and what he finds stands out when interviewing people was really helpful. He is on the other side of the interview so it was great to hear from the side of the recruiter.

While I have been abroad I have interviewed with multiple companies for summer internship positions. As I have not received job offers from all of those companies, it is clear that there are things I could improve on regarding my interviewing skills. For me, I think it could be really helpful to have someone assess my interviewing skills. From this I could learn what I am doing right and what I could improve on so that I can strengthen my skills for employers. Once I have the interview down, I could secure more jobs. Hopefully soon I will be able to say I have my summer plans secured, but as of right now I am still working on sending out applications and securing a job for this summer. There is always room for improvement, whether it is on the interviewing side, or regarding my overall skills.

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