Finding Your Calling

Everyone has this dream in life that they will find their calling. It is this idea that you will end up in a job that is perfect in every way. A job where you are happy with what you are doing, your values align with the company, you enjoy the company culture, you can provide for your family, and you have a sense of purpose for what you are doing. This all sounds amazing right?

In my opinion, finding this so called calling is near unrealistic and does not occur for the majority of people. I think this because not only do most jobs not fulfill every need, but most of the time a person ends up sacrificing one aspect of their piece of perfection to gain what they want in another area. For instance, someone accepting a job that they don’t necessarily love, but it pays the bills and allows them to support their family.

While I would love to be able to find my calling in life, I think its best for me to stick to being realistic. If I go into opportunities and situations with unrealistic expectations, in the end I could find myself unhappy, possibly more unhappy than I would have been if I was clear of the situations that would occur. In the end I think the idea of a calling is nice, but who in this world is in a place where every one of their needs are met.

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