Things I’ve Learned Abroad

Since I have been abroad, I have learned a lot about myself and the world around me. I have gained newfound skills and overall have become more of an independent person.

Being abroad has been a fun and eye-opening experience for me. I have had the unique opportunity of learning about culture not only in Spain, but also in other countries in Europe. Learning more about culture has given me the ability to be less ethnocentric and be more comfortable with communicating across cultures.

Communication is one of the top transferrable skills that employers look for and I think having the opportunity to advance this skill is very important. One thing that I found very stressful when I arrived in Barcelona was the language barrier. Since I do not speak Spanish or Catalan, I was not able to hold a conversation with many local people here. Not only have I learned some Spanish while I am here, but I have also strengthened other forms of communication, including non-verbal communication.

I love learning from those with different backgrounds as it strengths my knowledge about culture and the world. I feel so lucky to be studying in a place so beautiful and rich with culture and history. I have learned so much so far, but I am excited to continue learning.

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